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About us

Fusing together the timeless art of “compounding” with the best modern research and development has to offer, Vialge Nutraceuticals comes full circle to bring you contemporary and revered solutions in health, anti-ageing, vitality and longevity health.

For us, this is more than just a business. Having seen one too many family members and far too many friends suffer through or succumb to chronic diseases that could have been prevented or avoided by supplementation (not to mention diet, exercise, lifestyle, mindset and sleep) we took a stand.

We agreed that as long as we are alive and had hope, we would forge ahead with the family legacy of nourishing and preserving life. We researched life extension, longevity, anti-ageing, chronic diseases, age-related diseases, NAD+, cell senescence, epigenetics, telomeres and telomerase…and that was just the beginning.

It took us years, but we methodically and painstakingly put together a portfolio of the most profound ancient botanical and contemporary supplements, extracts, and compounds.

After thousands of years of use and medical trials, our ingredients have been shown to help reduce the signs and symptoms of ageing, push back the onset of chronic diseases and extend health, vitality and life.


Our Products

Vialge Nutraceuticals produces 21st-century, next-generation quality products specifically sourced and manufactured by us and shared with you so that you can curb aging and live healthier for longer.

Our non-stop search has led us from state-of-the-art research laboratories in the USA and the UK to Traditional Chinese Medicines in China, Japan and Korea, Ancient Andean Medicines in Peru, Ayurvedic Medicines in India and back to South Africa.  We only source the safest and purest raw ingredients from Europe, Africa, China, India and Peru.

The result is a line-up of the best ingredients the ancient and modern worlds have to offer when it comes to helping slow down ageing and the effects of ageism, fighting age-related chronic diseases, promoting healthy longevity and extending healthy life expectancy.

Our carefully curated range of nutraceutical supplements is specifically sourced, formulated, and produced with one single mission in mind – to help you look younger, retain your youthful vitality and live healthier for longer from as young as possible.


Active Ingredients

In order to help you look younger, retain your youthful vitality, and live healthier for longer, we offer products that have a highly effective dose of quality natural extracts and active ingredients.

Bio-available and highly absorbable over long periods.

Delivered to targeted areas for optimal effect and benefit.

Researched and shown to be effective after short periods of time.


We offer a discount of 10% for first-time shoppers on our website


Our Commitment

Our commitment to you is that by engaging with us you will get access to unique products with a hyper-specific focus on improving your health span and increasing your lifespan.

Quality Products

We focus our efforts on creating quality products for people who want to reduce ageing (and age-related diseases) to increase their health and longevity.

Our Mission

Our range of supplements are specifically sourced, formulated and produced with our single mission in mind – to help you look younger, retain your youthful vitality and live healthier for longer and as younger as possible.


What our clients are saying about us

@Mishka.Loesch, <br>Public Figure
Public Figure
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I absolutely love Vialge's products, I have seen a massive change in my energy levels.
Julie Rabins, Executive
Julie Rabins, Executive
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I want to better look after my health so that I can extend my life. I believe Life Force from Vialge will help me achieve this goal.
Nicole Moila, CEO
Nicole Moila, CEO
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Has assisted to help me concentrate and with memory retention. I am more alert and more attentive.
TC Moila, CEO
TC Moila, CEO
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Fits right in with my lifestyle as the products are 100% natural. It provides stamina from work in the morning to gym afterward.
Amanda Joubert, Retired
Amanda Joubert, Retired
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I am 74 and used to think memory loss was part of growing old. Now I surprise myself with the things I remember.
Tyla v Til, Influencer
Tyla v Til, Influencer
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It has boosted my energy levels and my endurance and I feel stronger at gym. I feel happier, healthier and more energised.
Jen Taylor, Agent
Jen Taylor, Agent
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I noticed how Life Force's ingredients combine to produce a powerful effect. I feel younger, stronger and more resilient.
Nicki Taylor-Riley, Entrepreneur
Nicki Taylor-Riley, Entrepreneur
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Now that I know that it helps me cope with stress and burnout I would order Life Force again for sure.
Lance Solms, Director
Lance Solms, Director
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Powerful Performance 'what a formula' I look good and am physically and mentally strong.
Ulpha Edries, Influencer
Ulpha Edries, Influencer
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Can I just say, WELL DONE on an amazing Collagen product! To say it's changed my life is an understatement.
Warren Stevenson, CEO
Warren Stevenson, CEO
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I knew Life Force was working because on the days I forgot to take it my energy and mental levels went down.
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With year-end madness and intense pressure, demanding my full brainpower, I can honestly say that Life Force has been helping me be more focused, reducing stress and giving me an extra boost during the day.
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I have been using Life Force for three weeks now and the difference has been notable. I feel more energised and focused throughout my day and overall just less stressed.

Where else can you find us?

In addition to ordering directly from our website, you are also able to get our supplements from these reputable online and retail stores

Need to talk to us about which supplement would be best for you?

Chat with us online about your specific requirements and we will gladly advise which supplement will be ideal to complement your lifestyle and assist in achieving your longevity goals.



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